MOD Staging and Design

Is your home trying to tell you something?
First Impressions: What's your Home's?
A potential buyer usually has made up his mind within the first 15 seconds of a homes viewing. Why leave that first impression to chance?
When staging a home or commercial space my goal is to imprint a captivating image that delights both the mind and the senses. I want the prospect buyer to be able to visualize themselves and their new life in this space. Through thoughtful study of your home or spaces style, its neighborhood, and layout, I carefully select authentic inventory to highlight your homes unique features and distract from any flaws. My staging services will showcase your home in an fresh, appealing new light, minimize sale time and maximize profit.
“Research indicates staged homes spend 73% less time on the market than non-staged homes and sell for up to 17 percent more than a non-staged home.”
— U.S. Housing and Urban Development
Home staging can add up to 20% of your home's value.
"Over 81% of buyers find it easier to visualize the property as their future home when it is staged."
"Almost a 1/3 of buyers are more willing to overlook property faults when a home is staged."
_National Assoc. of Realtors 2015 Profile of Home Staging
"Among REALTORS® who typically represent the buyer, 49% report most buyers are effected by home staging and 47 percent report some buyers are effected by home staging.
Among sellers’ agents 34 percent stage all homes, 13 percent stage difficult homes to sell, and four percent stage only high price bracket homes.
Thirty-two percent of buyers’ agents believe staged homes increases the dollar value buyers are willing to offer by one percent to five percent."
"The Investment IN ASP® Staging Your Home will Always be Less than a Price Reduction ON Your Home!"
- Barb Schwarz, The Creator of Home Staging®